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The Do’s and Don'ts For Solo Travel

The Do’s and Don'ts For Solo Travel

The Do’s and Don'ts For Solo Travel

You should do everything once, and we’re getting into why at least one solo vacation is essential in adulthood. Join us as we delve into a few safety tips and hacks for your next getaway.

*picture sourced from (courtesy of Kalen Emsley)*

It’s everyone’s favorite season and one of the best times of the year for travel. That’s right – we’re basking in the heat of July and our summer adventures. Where have you been dreaming of catching a flight to this time around? Like many of us know, nothing can be harder than getting the trip out of the group chat. Between the unconvincing “I’m down!” texts and the lack of Airbnb deposits being sent, we don’t blame you for not wanting to wait up this time around. So, where does that leave us? The only thing left to do is to take the leap and go solo! Everybody should experience a solo vacation at some point, and we’re here to help you get your planning started the right way.

The Beauty of Traveling Solo

If Beyonce taught us anything, it’s that going solo can sometimes be a good thing. Solo travel has become increasingly popular as more individuals seek the freedom and adventure of exploring the world on their terms. Traveling solo allows you to truly embark on your own journey and see the world through your own lens; it can be incredibly rewarding and provide a new connection to personal growth, self-discovery, and unforgettable memories. Whether you’re choosing to stay domestic or go big internationally, taking that trip by your lonesome will become one of the best times to step out of your comfort zone and truly learn more about yourself. We also can’t forget the convenience of being able to move on your own time and make decisions without being weighed down by others. We don’t blame you for not always wanting to wake up and get things moving for a Miami boat ride at 7 AM, so creating your own activity schedule with only you in mind is definitely a plus. Seeing all that the world has to offer on your own can grant you a new perspective, thus sparking a new sense of inspiration. Have a few creative projects you’ve been putting off? Who knows – maybe that solo vacation can light the fire you need to follow-up on and develop those lingering ideas! 

A successful solo vacation requires careful planning and consideration to ensure safety and true enjoyment. To help you make your solo adventure a fulfilling and enriching experience, we’re equipping you with your guide of do’s and don’ts. New experiences are what make life worth it, so release the fear of the unknown and let’s get you moving now!

The Do’s

    1. Thoroughly Research Your Destination: Decided on where you’re trying to touchdown next? It’s always best to know what you’re getting into beforehand. Of course, our first do is to research, research, research! If you’re going international, familiarize yourself with local customs, cultural norms, safety precautions, and essential phrases in the local language. Having a rough itinerary can provide a sense of direction without constraining your spontaneity. Whether you’re finding helpful articles about your destination or using TikTok as your search engine, there’s always much to learn before you start packing.
    2. Always Have Extra Cash on Hand: In 2023, we get real boss baes only have their black card on them. However, keeping a few extra bucks provides a safety net for any unexpected emergencies. Many businesses have been transitioning to contactless payment these days, but you can never be too sure. Depending on how long your vacation is, an extra $50-$100 a day may be your sweet spot for bringing additional cash.
    3. Stay Connected: We have technology for a reason! Keep your phone charged, have access to maps and translation apps, and stay connected with friends or other travelers through social media groups or forums.
    4. Keep Your Friends & Fam in the Loop: Bouncing off of number 3, you would want to stay in touch with your community. Consider sharing your itinerary and sending recurring updates to some of your closest folks to give others extra peace of mind while you travel. It could also be beneficial to keep a list of emergency contacts on hand in case of emergency.
    5. Trust Your Intuition: Your intuition will never steer you wrong. In instances where something feels off or unsafe, trust your gut and take necessary precautions.
    6. Pack Light and Smart: To the girls who have a bad case of overpacking, this is for you. When vacationing solo, it can be pretty stressful having an overload of personal belongings. Keep things simple and essential on this trip for extra peace of mind while keeping must-haves (first aid kit, necessary medications, and photocopies of important documents) on deck at all times.
    7. Double-Check Those Reviews: When traveling, Yelp and Google Reviews will become your right-hand man. We recommend booking your lodging and accommodations somewhere with plenty of positive reviews to ensure credibility. 
    8. Be Open to New Friends!: Spontaneity creates some of the best memories when traveling. Embrace your inner extrovert while out and talk to locals or other travelers for recommendations and other opportunities for an unforgettable escapade.

The Don’ts

    1. Don’t Be Too Flashy: Who doesn’t love to show up and show out? It isn’t a bad thing to turn heads, but solo travelers can be more vulnerable to theft. Try not to flaunt expensive jewelry, cameras, or electronic devices to prevent your chances from attracting a pick-pocketer.
    2. Don’t Overindulge In Alcohol: Enjoying local beverages can be a part of the experience, but excessive alcohol consumption can impair your judgment and leave you vulnerable. Drink responsibly and know your limits. After all, two lemon drops will definitely do you right!
    3. Don’t Go Anywhere Alone With a Stranger: We know we told you to be open to new friends. However, you still want to remain vigilant. Balance openness with safety, especially in an unfamiliar place.
    4. Don’t Ignore Local Customs and Etiquette: One of the best parts of traveling is experiencing the many cultures that exist in the world. In 2023, cultural competence is key! Be sure to respect the cultural norms and customs of the places you visit. This includes appropriate clothing, greeting gestures, and religious practices.
    5. Don’t Inform Strangers That You’re Alone: Be cautious of oversharing! You never know who’s listening, and this can be another instance of you not wanting to seem more vulnerable to strangers.
    6. Don’t Arrive At Night: Especially when visiting a new destination, you would want to scope out your area upon arrival. Places always look different during the day, so it’s best you arrive when the sun is still out. Plus, you’ll be more comfortable for some extra exploring!
    7. Don’t Forget Travel Insurance: Insurance can be the safety net you need in instances of unforeseen circumstances. From cancellations to lost luggage, a travel insurance policy ensures your financial loss is minimized. Forbes listed HTH Worldwide, Travel Safe, and Travel Insured as some of the best companies, but don’t hesitate to do your own research on what works best for you and your wallet.

With this carefully curated survival guide, your first solo vacation should be a breeze. Following the do's and don'ts can mitigate risks and maximize the rewards of exploring the world on your own terms. It’s about time you bossed up and took that leap on your own! With an open mind and a spirit of adventure, solo travel can become one of the most cherished chapters of your life's journey. Your favorite city or island is calling your name, so book that flight now! Safe travels. ✈️